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We recommend taking 5,000 international units a day, but we offer doses ranging from 1,000 to 7,000 units depending on your vitamin D blood level. Smith, MD: Like all of our products, Life Extension’s Vitamin D3 is made with the highest quality standards. In fact, studies show that people are really low in vitamin D-and that's why doctors are recommending it to their patients more than ever.Ĭustomer: So, my body needs more vitamin D, but there are all these different doses and options. Even if you spend a lot of time outdoors, your body may not be producing enough of this important vitamin. Smith, MD: From your brain to your heart, your bones to your immune system, vitamin D affects nearly every cell in your body and is critical for optimal health. But during my last checkup, the doctor noticed that I wasn't getting enough vitamin D.

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Whether I'm working in my garden or taking a walk with my family, we all love the outdoors. Customer: To me, there's nothing better than being outside on a really nice day.

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