
Diablo 3 kanais cube
Diablo 3 kanais cube

diablo 3 kanais cube

Especially the case with some Legendaries that have a wide range of possible stat values, like the ring Convention of Elements. Cubed Legendary powers get their highest possible stat value, so Cube the one with the weakest Legendary power. If you get two of the same Legendary: One will have stronger stats than the other.Otherwise save the Legendary in your bank to Cube later, or Salvage it. If you're low on mats required for Cubing: Only Cube Legendary powers that you'll actually use in your builds.If you're low on either mats required for Cubing or Forgotten Souls, then Salvage it. If the Legendary is 70 but is useless to you, your Followers, and your alts: Either Cube it, or Salvage it for Forgotten Souls.If it's Season 23 or later where Followers can equip full gear sets, and it's not needed on your main: Equip it to your Follower if it's an upgrade or useful ability for them, or if it Emanates a useful ability to your main.If it's a power that you'll actively use on your main, Cube it. If the Legendary is lower than level 70: Cube it, unless you need it for alt leveling.Is there a particular strategy for optimizing what to extract and what to keep on gear? For example, do you extract class-specific powers and use those in the cube? Or do the opposite and save non-class-specific powers to the cube? Or some other strategy? There are clearly some tradeoffs in flexibility here. I have put three generic, non-class-specific +damage powers into the Cube so far and have been using those, but am not sure whether to extract the rest, or keep them as gear. I’m wondering whether to extract them to Kanai’s Cube or not. I’ve collected a bunch of Legendaries that are sitting unused in my stash now. Got my Wizard to 70, am on T6 open world, GR15, and Paragon 123. Hello, I’m new to D3, just started a few weeks ago.

Diablo 3 kanais cube